Lime Kiln

An industrial monument of the lime industry

The lime kiln at Eskesberg was built around 1850 and documents the beginnings of industrial lime production in Wuppertal. In the west of the city, around the village of Dornap, an important lime industry developed at this time in the neighbourhood of the steelworks of the Ruhr area. The lime industry in Wuppertal at times produced about 50% of Germany's lime requirements. The burnt lime was a sought-after aggregate for steel smelting. The lime kiln remained in operation until 1942. Then production had to be stopped because during the Second World War the glowing stone of the kiln was a highly visible landmark for Allied bombers.

Together with the Sonnborn-Zoo-Varresbeck citizens' association, a new concept is being developed, which will be the basis for the restoration of this unique industrial monument.

Visitor Information

  • Address
    Am Eskesberg, 42115 Wuppertal
  • Opening hours
    The lime kiln had to be closed for safety reasons and no guided tours will take place until further notice. The exhibition on the history of the lime industry inside the lime kiln is therefore unfortunately not accessible at the moment.
  • Viaduct Currently Closed
    As some structural components of the viaduct at the Kalktrichterofen are no longer stable, the path beneath the viaduct had to be closed for safety reasons. The closure also affects access to the skate park at Eskesberg. However, pedestrians can still reach the skate park by walking around the Kalktrichterofen, with signage provided. Cyclists, on the other hand, must take an alternative route, such as via Fliednerweg, Krummacher Str., and Wichernweg or the connecting path between Nordbahntrasse and In der Beek street.
